
Performing Artists Learn excellent modern techniques to get over performance anxiety and achieve consistent results time after time.

Executive Coaching

Be on the cutting edge of paradigm shifts in the workplace and increase performance of yourself and your employees. Use values integration and testing to achieve excellence.

Transformational Health Coaching

This works on both the mental and physical level so that you are able to achieve  behavioral congruency at the mind/body level.



My voice will follow you in your hypnotic journey and will also follow you on your custom MP3 so that you can listen to it in the convenience of your home, office or before you workout


Yes we all need help to create lasting and fulfilling relationships in an asphalt jungle. I have interviewed hundreds of couples and bring the best of the best to you in how to have true staying power with your mate. We also see how your values match up as that is an integral part of any healthy longterm relationship. Going through a divorce or break-up? Sometimes this can be a time of tremendous opportunity for incredible growth.


At Susan coach we are trained in mind / body techniques including martial arts, yogic and meditative therapy and vocal techniques that facilitate even deeper meaningful change when applied with the Transformational Coaching.